Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today was an interesting day. Paul decided, this morning, that we would attempt to redo the kitchen- meaning ripping down all the wallpaper and repainting- before the baby (and my parents) arrive. He is ambitious. So, all day today, Anna and Ellie stripped wallpaper. They did a pretty good job; however, it is far from finished.

He did have a reason for his madness. We have been fighting German cockroaches for quite a while now. We've almost gotten rid of them a couple of times, only to have them come back worse than ever. It seems that alot of them are under the wallpaper (gross, I know), so it seemed like a good idea to get rid of the wallpaper. And the bug man is coming tomorrow morning, and we wanted him to be able to get to all the bugs and their hiding places. Therefore, the quick decision to take down the wallpaper.

It is almost driving me crazy. I have been working hard to get my house really clean for the baby, and now, it seems like it's in total chaos. I keep telling myself it's not- that it will all be put back together in a matter of days, but sometimes I don't believe myself!

Another thing that has me frustrated is Baby Ben's quilt. I don't quite know how I did it, but when I quilted the borders, it all pulled and looked terrible. So, again, I had to rip out the stitching. There were 3 borders, and I kept hoping that it would look better after I did the next border, so I quilted all three instead of stopping and trying the fix the problem after the first border. That led to alot of unsewing! But, I finished hand quilting it today- all that's left is the binding. I hope and have even prayed that the binding comes out great so I don't have to rip it out also!

10 more days until baby comes!


Rebecca said...

AARGH!!!!!!!!!!! Our posts are so totally similiar!!!! Great minds think alike I guess.

Anonymous said...

Just back from Colorado and saw your post and pictures. How I love that "boy" too. Paul John
Can't believe you didn't wait for me to help with the wallpaper, you know I have had a lot of experience. Can't believe I get to see all those "far away" grandchildren of mine. Love it. Hope the weather is nice so Paul John and I can once and for all settle who is the basketball champ. Not practicing Paul John until I get there.