Sunday, February 17, 2008


I finished Baby Ben's quilt- finally! I will take a picture of it tomorrow, but suffice it to say, I am very relieved to have it done and to turn out fairly well after all the trouble I had quilting it. I think my problem began because I did not baste it well. You can be sure, the next quilt I make will be basted well!

We had an exciting evening here with tornado warnings and watches. Ellie and I were the only ones at home when the siren went off, and she does not do well when she hears that! We turned on the tv to see the weather report, and it said a tornado was spotted not far from here. Great. I should have gone to the basement, but I didn't. My reasoning? I believed there was more chance of seeing a mouse in the basement than seeing a tornado up here. We did have some wind damage in our neighborhood, but no tornados.

Tomorrow Paul is finishing up the trim work in the kitchen and then I will post a picture. The color is different, but it is growing on me. It's just such a vast change that it's hard to get used to looking in there and seeing such a different look.

Have a great evening.

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