Thursday, February 7, 2008

18 Years Ago...part 1

18 years ago I was in the Bayfront Medical Center being induced for my first baby. My due date was not until February 10th, but because I was having some blood pressure issues (sound familiar??), they decided to induce me a little bit early. I was very naive about childbirth back then, and the thought of having the baby sounded wonderful to me, so I agreed.

They started me on pitocin at 6AM the morning of February 7th. My body was not ready to give birth, and they stopped the pitocin around 5PM that evening. I'm not sure what the pit did all day, but I did not have contractions, just some cramping.

I was going through this it seems just before hospitals changed and let you labor and deliver in your room. So I had to move to a labor room during the day, and back to my regular room at night. The labor room was a small room, with just enough room for a bed and a few monitors. No TV, no magazines, nothing to keep your mind off of what was going on. My mom came up and sat with me while Paul was at work. Well, that's another story. I thought he was at work. He was actually playing golf. But, we won't go there. I've long since forgiven him!

On another note, Sam had another good day potty training. Yay!

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