Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Babies

We have 3 pregnant ladies in our church, each due about a month apart. (I am due last). Anyway, the first lady had her baby about a week ago- a little girl. Paul and I went to see her last night at her home. She is absolutely beautiful- perfect little head, and perfect features. As I held her, I was amazed. Amazed that she was so perfect, so complete. Amazed that her mama's body grew her. Amazed that she was born at home, with only a midwife and her assistant- no medical intervention.

I don't know how anyone can hold a newborn baby and doubt the existence of God. It truly is a miracle. I remember holding my first son Paul when the realization hit me: God loves me more than I love this baby. I remember being astounded at how much I loved him at first sight, and then realizing how much more God loves me. I also realized then how much my parents loved me. Those realizations hit me stronger with each baby I have, as I hold that new baby in my arms and am almost blown away with the love I have for him.

Holding that baby last night also made my arms ache to hold my baby. Paul keeps telling me that he's not ready- that it hasn't hit him that we're having another baby. I keep reminding him that it won't hit him until he holds Benjamin in his arms, or maybe the first night we're up most of the night with him. I don't think anyone is ever ready- how could you be??


Rebecca said...

You'll hold your baby very soon!! In the meantime, isn't this a beautiful picture????

Anonymous said...

Guess never changes, it goes from your babies to your babies babies. In other words grandchilden-wasn't God good to prolong these desires we have. CAn't wait for number 12-Benjamin!!!

Love ya, Mom