Thursday, January 10, 2008

Doctor's Appointment- Thursday

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 8:50. I arrived at 8:45 and sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, at 10, I asked the ladies at the desk if they had forgotten about me. No, they said, the doctors have been swamped this morning. Funny thing is that ladies that came in after me were finishing up and going home while I was still sitting there. It was my turn around 10:15. I had an NST today, so I lay down on the table while the nurse got everything situated. She had a hard time getting and keeping his heartbeat, so I got to have an ultrasound. It has been over 3 months since I've had one, so I was excited to see Benjamin.

I was sure he was small. I have only gained 9 pounds (much less than I normally do), so I just assumed he was a small baby. Was I wrong! Right now, he weighs 5 pounds 13 ounces- almost 6 pounds! He is in the 96th percentile for babies his age. I guess my hope of having a small baby does not rest with him! He looked perfect and the tech was actually able to see some hair on his head. He will be born on February 22nd as of right now. 6 weeks from today. Wow.

I finished the top of the quilt, and I must say, it is so cute. It won't win any prizes, but I'm sure Benjamin will like it. His brothers and sisters were quite impressed (and I must admit, I was a little impressed also!). It came out just as I had planned-that doesn't always happen. Now I need to quilt it and bind it and I am finished! I will post a picture tomorrow.

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