Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm Still Free!

I just got home from the doctors and my blood pressure was wonderful- 128/84. That's a great reading for me even when I'm not pregnant, much less 35 weeks along! I was thrilled and so thankful not to have to go on bedrest--yet. God is so good.

I had another ultrasound and Baby Ben looks great. He somehow managed to turn all the way around and is now breech. I am shocked that I did not feel him turn. He is also folded right in half! She showed me his head and right next to it was his foot! It was rather funny looking. I'm not concerned about him being breech because I am having a c-section. I don't think it matters which way they are turned.

4 weeks from tomorrow he will be here-ready or not!

2 comments: said...

We are so glad for the good report! Hope to see you tonight at the Ladies Night out.



Jamie said...

Wow, how AWESOME that your BP is staying down!!!! I can't believe you are 35 weeks!!!