Monday, October 12, 2009

In the Interest of Honesty

I have been accused by some members of my own family that my blog gives an incorrect assessment of our family life. They have said my blog makes everything seem "perfect" at our house, when, in fact, it is not.

Well, of course it's not. And, why would I want to recount the negative things? Those are the things I wish to forget. I use this blog kind of like a scrapbook, posting about the things, sayings and pictures that I want to remember. Not all family life is worth remembering.

But, in case there are one or two of you out there that think this family "has it all together", let me give some examples that should put that incorrect thinking where it belongs- in the trashcan.

  • Tonight at dinner, Benjamin was the only one of us that had a fork. I ate with a spoon, as did most everyone else. Some of us used serving forks. Why? No, we weren't having soup. We can't find any of our forks. That one fork is the only one in the house. And, in case you were thinking we haven't replenished our silverware lately, let me tell you that Paul gave me a beautiful set of silverware- for Christmas, less than a year ago. We can't keep forks in our house, with spoons and knives right behind.
  • Glasses fare no better along with sippy cups. Our glasses either get broke or lost. I buy used glasses at the Salvation Army's half price table for .35cents each. I refuse to pay more for something that will not last.
  • There are some days you cannot see the floor in the kids' bedroom for all the clothes. Now, there are 4 of them sharing a room and there are alot of clothes this time of year, but still, it does get out of control more often than I would care to admit.
  • Most days I don't get dressed until noon. Some of my children follow in my footsteps, some don't. Since most mornings I don't go anywhere, getting dressed is not a top priority.
  • We have a VERY LOUD house. Tonight, there were 2 boys screaming (in fun), laughing and 2 girls talking very loudly while someone else played the 'drums' with sticks on the counter.
  • We don't always get along. Somedays it seems like this goes on all day. We don't always say nice things to each other, and we don't always use our "inside" voices when we don't get along.
  • Sometimes the outside of our house looks like Sanford and Sons live here.

Is that enough? Do you get the picture that we are not the perfect family? Or, family members, should I include more, personal examples? I can you know and I can even include pictures, if you want to disclose everything for the world wide web to see and read.

We're not perfect and we certainly don't have it all together and I'm sorry if my blog leads you to think otherwise. We are a normal family, trying to all get along as we follow our leader as he follows his Leader, Jesus Christ.

9 comments: said...

Thanks for my morning laugh sister! Sounds like our house!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth! Your blog reminded me of a conversation we had at work the other day about when the last time we had mopped our kitchen floors.!!! :) It was hilarious, and we all pretty much found out that we are not alone! You are not alone! And I appreciate your honesty, but certainly don't blame you for not constantly listing the things about your life and home that are not perfect.....!

Love ya! Anna

Anonymous said...

Wow, Elizabeth, I so enjoy your blog, best way to keep up with my family I see so seldom. From one preachers wife to another, your doing great...the battle has been won. :) Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I for one prefer to just here the good things and see your beautiful pictures. It is YOUR blog to post what you wish.
Sherry said...

I just want to say that we have also seen the good, the bad & the ugly through you when you post the children's boo-boo's and dirty faces, etc. I agree with Sherry, we love your blog, especially your beautiful pics! Keep it up!!!!


Rebecca said...

When I started my blog it was for MY thoughts...if someone doesn't agree then they don't have to read it. Oh, and I TOTALLY understand about the forks...mine either end up in AMY'S car or CLIFF's truck or AMY's room. Mom bought me a set of silverware after Christmas this past year and I have it put away...for COMPANY ONLY!!!!!

And BTW, you have never claimed to be perfect. We all have bad days we want to forget. And who is the old friend?????

Anonymous said...

I enjoy hearing the good things and love the photos and I feel glad you are my daughtor in law. You are doing a great job. Don't worry what the Pauls say. Keep the posts coming and get dressed when you feel like it. Love Mom D

Angie Greenfield said...

Elizabeth ~ I love everything you write. And as a fellow mommy I know you were never trying to portray your family as something it isn't. I also prefer to share my happy moments with people, sharing with our friends/family doubles our joys, and I've learned a hard lesson the past few years, most people (friends) will say they want to know what's really going on in your life, but when you are honest and share some of the ugly stuff you notice quite quickly people stop talking to you or stop asking you how things are. I've discovered that people consider you a "downer" when you tell unpleasant stories... they'd rather hear happy stuff ~ who doesn't?? Anyway, let me just say, I've been a mom for almost 15 years, All my silverware comes from Walmart, I never had a "set" of glasses until last year when my mom got me some with moose on them from Christmas Tree Shops, I often wear my jammies until noon, I'm comfortable and no one is going to see me, I try not to go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink but sometimes that's just the way it is. My laundry is out of control ~ if it does all get washed and dried and folded, it won't get put away ~ just happens that way. I've put kids to bed with dirty faces and feet when we're all just too tired to do the bath before bed, and they've never stained and come quite clean the next morning so I don't' see a real problem. I admire and appreciate all you do and share. Getting to know you has been one of my biggest blessings of moving here. Thank You. Love, Angie

Chuck said...

I love reading your blog, as a little kid who always looked up to Paul I enjoy seeing what God has done with his life and the Blessings He has bestowed upon him - most of all the blessing of a loving wife and family. Despite being hundreds of miles away and never meeting you I feel like I know you and your children. What is important is not if your house is always in order or if you have misplaced forks (thats what finger food is for!) what is important is that you are a Godly woman who is a great helpmate and raising up your children in the eyes of the Lord. Keep up the great writing and wonderful pictures.