Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I spent the first half of today recovering from our trip yesterday! I was so tired and sore. But the kids really enjoyed the museum and it was very interesting. They liked the fact that it was so hands on. Even Sam enjoyed it. They had a room for children under 7 and we played in that room for a while. There was so much stuff in there that it was almost overwhelming!

A few minutes after we arrived, I snapped this picture of Sam:

A little while later, he went back and stood behind this prop and put his head through. He somehow got his head stuck (I still don't know how he did it) and cut under his eye and his eyelid and scraped his nose. He screamed and cried, but then he was fine and never let it slow him down.
Here are the girls on the "gyroscope". Anna had a blast and swung herself around and around. Ellie, however, was a bit more cautious.

Anna also rode this bike on a narrow track way up off the ground. She said it was scary and she was afraid she might fall off.

And here is Sam, riding a motorcycle (or as he says, "a mocorcycle").

I was very meloncholy today, and I really didn't know why until I realized what date it was. November 13. 4 years ago, I lost the 11 week old baby I was carrying. I knew the date was coming up, but it caught me off guard. I feel sometimes that I put too much emphasis on losing that baby, but it is a part of who I am. I almost feel that my life is divided into two parts: the part before I lost the baby and the part after. I would have never guessed how much a miscarriage changes and defines your life. I don't mourn that baby as much as I did at first; I only occasionally think about him. But he is part of who I am, and that will never change.

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