I read on a couple of message boards about this homemade laundry detergent. I was full of doubts, but I decided to try it. I am amazed. It gets everything out except the most set in mud or spaghetti sauce. I have used it for about a month, and I will NEVER go back. My kids can get clothes dirty big time and this soap gets their clothes clean.
The magic recipe? It's so easy and so quick! Grate 1 bar Ivory soap. (I use an old cheese grater). Add 1 cup borax and 1 cup washing soda. Mix. Store in an airtight container. Use 2 tbsp. for every load. Add the soap first and give it a minute in the water to dissolve.
THAT'S IT! It couldn't be easier. You can make liquid, but it is a lot more time consuming. Also, I use vinegar instead of fabric softener. Works well also and you are not putting all those chemicals on your clothes to rub on your body.
Works for me! Check out more ideas at http://rocksinmydryer.typepad.com.
I use a liquid version of this. :) Does the powdered dissolve in cold water, or does it have to be warm? :)
I am not sure because I always use hot water.
So with hot water do you ever accidentally "cook" in the stains? And does this work on a front-loader? I'd love to try this out. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I already have Ivory and Borax. I just need some washing soda.
I love to find frugal ways to save that really work! Thanks for sharing.
All the recipes I've seen used a Fels-Naptha laundry soap...maybe that would get the more difficult dirt out, but I can't find any locally. I'm going to try this. I use Tide for the same reason. I have only one wondering left: how does it do on cloth diapers? My sixth is about to make an appearance and Tide is the only thing that gets the diapers back to fresh-smelling, so I'm curious! Can't hurt to try it, though, eh?
Great plan for homemade soap! I too have seen the one for Fels Naptha. I wrote about laundry soap today too. The kind I use is Arm & Hammer, it must work good because of the baking soda, which is a big ingredient in the homemade kinds.
I've never had the courage to actually try this. Maybe I will someday.
Oh thank you!!! I've been wanting to talk to someone who has done this. Laundry soap is such a budget breaker!
Tracy N, Michigan
I've totally been thinking about making my own soap, too! I found a recipe online for a liquid gel, but I haven't been able to find the washing soda. Hmm. Guess I have to keep looking. :)
Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for posting this. I've been looking for a good homemade detergent.
Not to sound like an idiot - but what's washing soda? And, where would I find it? LOLBecause I SOOO want to try this!
I'm also wondering about the front loader issue. I had tried and love the liquid kind but agree that it would be a LOT easier to just have a bucket of the pregrated stuff on hand.
I use borax in every wash. I find that it gets rid of the odors. It also works great at cleaning the toilet.
If anyone that uses the liquid version reads this...how do you make this...I've made a version, but it is in gel form. We had to microwave it to liquid to put it our front load.
I wonder if I could use my food processor to grate the soap....? Well, I'm going to try!
Man, I so wish I could FIND washing soda. I've searched EVERYWHERE for it and no one carries it anymore. I used to use it all the time for opening drains and as a laundry booster etc etc.
I'll have to start the hunt again, b/c my laundry loads are about to double when our twins arrive!
What a great idea! After my detergent runs out I'll have to try your recipe.
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