Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Have you ever heard of this medical condition? I hadn't either until I was diagnosed with it about 1 year ago. I had been experiencing horrible headaches for 4 months. They were positional headaches- usually, if I laid down flat, they went away. At their worst, I couldn't even lay on a flat pillow. I was convinced that it was my blood pressure medicine. I went to doctor after doctor to no avail. I had two cat scans and lots of blood work. I have no medical insurance, so I was dependent upon whatever help I could get.

Anyway, my church intervened and paid for me to go see a neurologist. She picked it up right away. My body was producing too much estrogen and causing the covering around my brain to not let brain fluid out. Therefore, I had too much brain fluid in my head which was causing the headaches.

It is a condition that never really goes away. After the initial 4 months of terrible headaches, they slowly got better. I still had some pressure, but nothing like the first headaches. Since October, I've not even had the pressure. I was convinced I was cured.

Last week they returned. I've had a headache, on and off, for 8 days. They're not as bad as they were, but they are annoying and make me want to lay down at all times. They make me crabby and grumpy (I don't need much help here!!) and I don't want to be bothered with anything, including my children.

So, that's where I am. I would appreciate your prayers that this pressure will go away. The one "cure" is to lose weight, which I have been diligently trying to do since October. However, I found out I have a fatty liver, which makes losing weight all but impossible and very s-l-o-w. It's a catch 22 situation, one I'm trying to make the best of.


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