Sunday, February 4, 2007


Our church was full this morning. We had a send off service for one of our fine young men. John is 19 and has landed a job in the political field, his dream for years, but it entails him moving 13 hours away. He also had a dream about a certain young lady and God brought that all to fruition this past week. It is amazing to watch a true courtship and betrothal take place. No dating, no kissing, no touching, no baggage when married! This young couple is starting out further ahead than most today. It thrills me to watch how God brought them together in a non cultural way. It gives me great hope for my children!

My oldest son turns 17 this week. I am in shock. How do the days, which tend to pass so slow, add up to 17 years? I was so excited when I found out I was expecting him. I had always loved babies and to think that I was going to have one of my own was beyond exciting. He has always been a good boy and always looks out for his mom. I am praying God will send him a very special young lady.

Paul, my oldest and Samuel, my youngest.

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