Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today we woke up to a cool morning. It has been so warm here- in the mid to high 70's and low 80's that a cool morning was very refreshing. Right now it is down to 34, and getting down into the 20's tonight. Now we only need some snow!

We had nice church services this morning, with a comfortably full church. Paul preached in Ephesians 3 about the "Mystery of Christ". It was an appropriate message for the season.

December is just flying by- tomrrow will be one week until Christmas Eve. Tomorrow the girls and I will be baking cookies for a cookie swap on Tuesday. They are so excited.

We made our last van payment this week. Woo-Hoo! How nice to be out from under that obligation! Now we pray our van will last until we can save up for another.

Zack has been studying for his learners permit test on the 28th. He insists on going the day he turns 15. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I'm just now getting used to Paul driving- but Zack? How did that happen???

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Wow, I haven't dropped by in awhile. Sorry about your Grandma. Have a Merry Christmas. Oh, and I am freezing. Can't imagine how cold I'll be in Michigan! Brrrrr.