I don't really know how to convey the feelings and emotions of the day using words. I almost wished I had my camera to capture some of the images of yesterday (was it only yesterday??) The church was filled with mostly family, and some friends. Each of Grandma's children had a part in the service. I so enjoyed hearing them reminisce about their mom, and what she meant to them. There was much Scripture read, 2 beautiful songs and a comforting and honoring message by Uncle Ron.
The graveside service was very hard, yet very beautiful. When we all gathered under the little tent, a bagpiper began playing off to the side. I did not even know he was there until he began playing. Uncle Bill then led us in a teary version of the song, "Finally Home". I couldn't even join in the singing. (That song was sung at my Grandma Adrian's funeral also). The preacher and Uncle Ron said a few words and prayed and then the bagpiper began playing Amazing Grace. As he began the second verse, he began walking away. It was haunting, and sorrowful, and there were many tears under that little tent.
The headstone that my Grandparents picked out was incredible. On the front was both of their names and dates of birth (dates of death to be added later). On the back, was a simple tree, with Grandma and Grandpa's names at the bottom, and on each branch, each of their children's name and year of birth. I thought it was so appropriate, because their children were their life. Their heritage. Their legacy.
It was a whirlwind of a trip, yet I was so happy to be able to be a part of it. My grandparents had 9 children, 30 grandchildren and 30 great- grandchildren (so far!). All of their children were there and 22 of their grandchildren and many, many great grandchildren. It was sad and hard, but so fitting to honor Grandma in that way. I would love for my children to stand up at my funeral and say the things about me, that were said about Grandma. She was not a perfect person, but she loved God and tried to live by His commands, and it showed.
What a wonderful testimony. Very convicting in how we live our lives now before our family. God help us all to be what you would have us to be.
Glad you all are home safely. See ya'll tomorrow night.
Thank you so much for writing that about Grandma's funeral. I thought it was very beautiful, too. I know what you mean about taking pictures of it! Too bad you can't photograph people at a funeral. Everyone is beautiful, and so warm with one another. . .
That picture at the top of your post is great! That's how I remember Grandma when I was a little girl! I can imagine her laugh -- so contagious! I think all her daughters laugh like her (so do I) -- sort of like how everyone in the Benzing family sneezes like Grandpa. Well, I don't know, does your mom? My dad sure does, and so does Aunt Pat! Ha Ha!
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