We all really liked it- it was a good movie, and very clean. Everyone of the children enjoyed it and it is getting harder and harder to find a movie which they all enjoy. We ate dinner at Caliente's- a local burrito place. It was delicious!
When we got home, I had bought a new game for the family. It is called "Apples to Apples". I had wanted to get it for some time because it looked like fun, and it was. We played it for over an hour, and I think everyone had a good time.

Tomorrow night is Ellie's night and we will be making gingerbread (graham cracker) houses with the family. We bought all the supplies today and she finished up her Christmas shopping and is very excited to give everyone their gifts.
We went and saw the same movie today. LOVED it!!
Zach wants to see this too. We played that game years ago. I keep eyeing it but I wonder if my kiddos are too small yet, although it would be fun to play when others came to visit.
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