Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm not sure I have anything "blog worthy" to write about tonight. Not much of anything new happening around here, just the same old same old. I used to dislike the months of January, February and even some of March when I was younger for that very reason. The weeks of gray and ice and snow and cold just got so old and everything seemed the same, day after day. I really don't feel that way anymore, but this week (and the past few) have seemed to run into each other with their sameness.

Benjamin has learned how to sign "please" with his hands. It is so cute, and technically, he doesn't do it right. I tried to get a picture tonight, but my camera battery was dead. We've taught the last four of our children the signs for please, all done and more, and it is always amazing how quick they catch on. Anna and I taught Ben the other day with ice cream. He was more than happy to say please for that! Before the ice cream was gone, he was saying it without any prompting.

Paul made rabbit pot pie tonight. All the boys in the house loved it. I will admit, it looked delicious. But I wouldn't try it and neither would the girls. Venison is as wild as I get! So we had separate dinner meals, one for the boys and one for the girls (and baby as I wouldn't let Benjamin try it either). Samuel chowed it right down and later told me it tasted like salt. All righty then! He really liked it. He has been in an eating mode lately and it seems he has eaten non stop for a few weeks.

Have a good night.


Anonymous said...

Philip told me today he has always hated January and can't wait for it to be over.


Rebecca said...

You're braver than I....No venison...not even dark meat chicken!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with the no thanks to the bunny eating (chocolate Easter bunnys excepted). Mom Dziadul

Anonymous said...

I can't help but feel sorry for the bunnies and the deer. Even the cows if my husband would allow it. ! :) "tastes like salt" thats hilarious. :)
