Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The raincoat

I was on facebook late Thursday night and received a message from a friend of mine. This friend lived near us until about a year ago when she and her family moved to North Carolina. She and her husband were going to be in town the next day to finish packing up their house which had just sold. They needed some help and wondered if Paul, Jr. and Zachary would be able to help them.

So the next day, I drove the boys over to their house. I went in to say hi, and we talked for a bit. She then told me she had two boxes that she was sending to Goodwill, but that I could look through them first if I wanted to. She has a son about a year older than Benjamin, and there were quite a few clothes in the first box that will fit him. I enjoy hand me downs, so I was pleased with the clothes that I had found.

The second box was in the garage. I went over and started looking through it. Right on top was a pillow, made for reading in bed. I grabbed this as I know Anna has been wanting one of these. Under the pillow was a race track rug, perfect for little boys to play cars on. I grabbed that also. As I moved the rug, something pink and purple caught my eye. I reached down and grabbed a hold of it, and pulled it out. It was a Disney princess raincoat. It was so cute and in perfect condition. I took it out and looked at it for a minute, and then I remembered. My princess will be 10 next month. Way too big for this raincoat. I struggled within myself for a few seconds. I WANTED to take that raincoat. I wanted Ellie to wear it and enjoy it. I knew that a couple of years ago, she would have been beside herself with such a raincoat. But, I soon came to my senses and sadly put the raincoat back.

I don't know why that incident has stayed with me these last few days. It's kind of silly, actually. But I was genuinely sad that she was too old for that raincoat. It made me sad to think those days are over. Ellie has always been one of the little kids, and I guess things like this make me realize she is growing up.


Anonymous said...

It makes me sad too Elizabeth but Ellie will always be my princess girl. Love Nana Dzaidul

Rebecca said...

I totally understand. Once I cleaned Josh's closet when he was 13 or so and I got so sad because there were no more toys in there!!