Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's been a week, just today.

I've not had a good day. It started out with Benjamin waking up twice last night. I've let him form a very bad habit of going to bed with a bottle. I know, I know. I did that with my first 2 before I realized how detrimental it is later on and I swore I wouldn't do it again. But I was tired and he was up early and he could hold his own bottle and I said it would only be that one time. That one time turned into every time, and now he wakes up 1 or 2 (or 3) times a night because he can't get back to sleep without the bottle. I feel like I have a newborn in the house! I've been so tired because I've not been sleeping well, and when I'm tired, bad days happen very frequently. (FYI, today was the first day he's gone to bed without a bottle, all day, and surprisingly, he's done real well. We'll see how the night goes.)

About 10AM, Paul Jr., decided he wanted to attend the local community college. This semester. And today was the last day for registration. Well, he actually decided that a while ago, but just got around to doing anything about it today. So, that means I spent several hours this morning putting together his transcript. I really didn't mind doing it, I mean, I am his teacher and all. But I didn't like doing it at the last minute. And because I was busy doing that this morning, laundry didn't get done. The girls schoolwork didn't get checked. The housed didn't stay picked up. The grocery shopping didn't get done. (And there was nothing in the house to eat.)

He said, offhandedly, maybe I should go with him in case there were questions he couldn't answer. So about 3, he and I headed off for the college. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who waited until the last minute. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to register him for college. Actually, it took him 3 1/2 hours. I sat and waited for 3 1/2 hours. Plenty of time to think about what was not getting done at home.

We got home around 6:30. Paul, thankfully, had supper ready. He went all out and made Paul Jr. a steak and shrimp to celebrate his admission to college. It was very nice. After supper, it was discovered that there was a mouse in my room.

A MOUSE! You can imagine what that did for my day. I didn't handle it real well. There were some tears involved and a real quick exit. And tonight, I'm sleeping on the couch. I just can't handle a mouse, even though I'm assured that it's more afraid of me than I am of him. I'm not so sure about that.

So here I sit, in the living room, while everyone else is sleeping. I'm hoping I don't hear anything tonight, but I know full well, that I'll probably hear everything.

Tomorrow's got to be better, right?


jwcreath@gmail.com said...

Hey sweet sister,
I have "one" right now in the room (office) I'm in!!!!
Eeeek! I can here him in here!!!! You noticed I called him "him", I just know it is a "him"!!!
Hope we get some sleep?!
Praying for you!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I had already told you my mouse story from here at work... I am terrified of them! Drew didn't sleep through the night until he was a year old. I never sent him to bed with a bottle but he did the pacifier thing and so he would wake up in the night looking for it and no matter how many I put in the bed with him they were all on the floor by 3 in the morning. All that to say I sympathize and I am sending you a big hug and if you need me to babysit the little ones so you can rest just let me know.

Love ya,

Rebecca said...

LOL!!!!!! You need a cat...although who would protect the cat from Trigger??

Anonymous said...

Tiger's a great mouser if you need to borrow him!