Thursday, January 15, 2009

Field Trip Day

We went with some friends of our today on a field trip to see an Abraham Lincoln exhibit in a town about an hour away. We were kind of excited about it because we have just finished studying the Civil War and Lincoln, so we felt we knew something about him. Were we ever disappointed! The exhibit was so small, and full of reproductions. Not what we were hoping for. To top it off, it wasn't free or really even cheap. But we then got to tour the Old Governor's Mansion, and that was pretty impressive. We all did enjoy that. However, I couldn't take any pictures inside the house. Here's Benjamin crawling around outside as we waited to go in.

Emily and Benjamin. I jokingly refer to Emily as Benjamin's nanny because when she's around, she is more than happy to play with him. After the mansion, we went to the park and ate lunch and played. It was a bit cold, but the kids had fun anyway. We then went to an old cemetary and walked around. We found many old graves from many wars.
The Indian Wars
Spanish American War

My favorite. This one was actually from the Revolutionary War!

Many Civil War graves

There were many graves of babies and young children. So sad.

We called these two the flower brigade. They walked around and picked up flowers that had blown away and placed them on graves.
They carefully chose which graves to put them on, prefering babies and children. It was sweet.

I called him the stick brigade and had to remind him several times that this was NOT a playground.

This grave is of the first soldier killed from this area in the Civil War.
It was a fun day.


Anonymous said...

Neat phots of the gravestones Beth. I personaly would never mind children playing around my grave Oh yeah they plan on burning me forgot...Cheapest way. Keep the change...Haha.

Gretchen said...

What's happened with the mouse?? I am SO SORRY for you! I HATE them too! I have lost sleep over that before, and I totally understand!!!