My parents were here the last part of April and the first part of May. We celebrated my mom's birthday.
And, of course, played games.
During the first week of May, we had our end of the year program for CC. Paul and Courtney were able to attend.
Ben, being Ben.
Ben with some of his friends and classmates.
Sam and his buddy.
(Somehow these pics are all out of order) We were without a dryer for a few weeks, so this was our dryer. It was a long time without one, especially getting ready to go away for 10 days. I am so thankful for our dryer!
YUCK. While getting suitcases out of the attic, we discovered these nasty creatures. They are not actually in the attic- there is a screen there. But it is still NASTY.
Back to CC. Ben reciting with his class.
Back to the attic. Bleck. I can hardly look at this picture.
Back to CC; Sam reciting with his class.
Ben: I have a crown because I am a coloring genius!
Strange but cute picture!
We celebrated Anna's 17th birthday party a few days early because we were going to be out of town on her actual birthday.
Paul and Courtney were there.
She received lots of nice gifts and cards.
Ben helping remove the carpet that got destroyed in the "flood". Notice his two different shoes.
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