Samuel and Benjamin have been sick for the past few days. Sam got it first a few days ago. He came in my room in the middle of the night and Paul put him in bed with us. A few minutes later, he threw up. All down Paul's back. I must admit, even though I was tired (it was 2:30), it was funny. It wasn't so funny to Paul, though. I haven't seen that man move that fast in years! Sam was tired and laid around for a few days, but never threw up again. Today, he is much better. He's still quiet and still, so I know he's not completely over it.
Benjamin, on the other hand, has been real sick for 2 days. Monday evening, we went to a revival meeting at a church here in town. I was holding Benjamin, and before I knew what was happening, he threw up all down the front of me. (It sure didn't strike me as funny like Sam's did!) He has thrown up quite a bit since, and it seems most of it has been on me. He did hold down crackers and water tonight, so I'm hoping he's getting better. He's so pitiful when he's sick. All he wants to do is be held, and that is so not like him. If I didn't feel so bad for him, I could almost enjoy holding him so much.
Judging by this picture, I'd say Sam is feeling alot better!
I hope the boys feel better soon and that no one else comes down with it. This stomach virus just keeps going around and around. Dale, Drew and I have had it 2 times each already. Poor Ben..he really looks like he feels bad..Sam does look like he is feeling better in the pics.
Kelly Lancaster
The boys gave Poppy a dose of this bug and he was real sick all day yesterday. Hope today is better. Mom Dziadul
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