Friday, March 20, 2009

Benjamin at 13 months

Benjamin turns thirteen months on Sunday, but today was such a beautiful day that I decided to take his monthly picture today. Being silly, as usual!
He enjoys stuffed monkeys. I have no idea why?

He makes this face when he sees the camera, or some version of this face.

He has improved his balance and is now walking without any problems. Of course, he still falls alot, but he has started walking without his arm straight up in the air.

He loves to play outside and to be free to go wherever he wants to. He's pretty good about listening and obeying when we tell him no.

He talks his own language. His inflection is right, but the words are babble. He says a few words, but not many. His newest word is "hey", said in a high, singsongy voice.

He still enjoys taking a bath. He eats alot. And then he will eat more. And more. No kidding, some days it seems he eats all day long!

The camera face!

The infamous Dziadul tongue. Just about everyone of my kids at this age(and their dad and granddad at their current ages) have stuck their tongue out in this manner.

Silly boy!


Lisa M. said...

Love those pix!...You're so good to take the time for them. You and many others will be able to look back and enjoy!...

...Stopped on side of road today on the way home from church to "help" Paul Jr....So sorry about your good friend Trigger "(

Anonymous said...

Great photos love his little curl and those neat teeth. What a darling and happy little man. I can not imagine my life without him so glad GOD sent him to you and us. Nana Dziadul