Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Where has the week gone that it is Wednesday already? I had so many plans for this week, but most of them have not happened and are not going to happen. Paul, Sr. and Zack have been gone all week while Paul preaches a revival at a church about 2 1/2 hours away, so I thought I would have some extra time to devote to various projects around the house. Didn't exactly work out that way. We've had 2 extra people this week in the afternoon/evenings, so things just sort of evened out and we ended up with the same amount of people here, the same amount of work involved in cooking and cleaning up, and no extra time. Oh well.

I went to the dr. today. The baby sounds great. In fact, the dr. had a hard time keeping the microphone on his/her heartbeat because he/she was swimming around so much. But the heartbeat is good and strong. I, on the other hand, am not doing so great. My blood pressure was very high. So now I am on two blood pressure medicines and have to go back in 2 days to make sure it is working. I'm sure it will, but for how long? This is what happened with Samuel until I got to 30 weeks and it went up again and I went on bedrest. I am already anticipating bedrest with this one, but pray it doesn't come until much later in the pregnancy.

I've been reading a blog for a little over a week about a family who had a baby girl with trisomy 18 (a fatal disease). They didn't know if the baby would even make it to birth, much less anytime afterward. She survived 8 days and went home this evening. What a testimony this family has had these past 8 days. How do you take care of and love a baby that you know is going to die? They did and they did it beautifully. If you want to check out their blog, the address is:

Have a nice evening.

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