Saturday, September 8, 2007


It's a quiet Saturday around here. Paul is gone with Anna and Ellie to a Father/Daughter campout. They'll be back anytime. I haven't heard from them, so I am anxious to hear about all the fun they had.

I am sick with a head cold/sinus infection. I am miserable. I think, though, that I am over the worst. I can't take anything, either, because I am pregnant. So I have gone through almost a box of tissues since last night.

I bought Sam some Diego underwear (Diego is one of his favorite cartoon characters). I'm hoping that will motivate him with potty training. He does ok, but does not initiate going to the potty.

Our first week of school went very well, even with me not feeling well. I gave each child (Zack, Anna and Ellie) an agenda, with everything they needed to get done for the week listed on it. They are motivated to check each item off. I like this idea, because I always forget to tell them something. And this way, if I'm not feeling well, they can proceed on their own. So far it has worked better than I expected. I know, it's only the first week, but hey, I'll take it!

Tomorrow is Sunday already. I tell you, the weeks just fly by. Before we know it, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be upon us, and then 2008.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Time does fly! It was weird to be in a store on my birthday and see them putting out CHRISTMAS stuff!!! A bit too early in my opinion, but the time does go so fast...