Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Sam has been asking alot of questions about Jesus. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what to tell his 4 year old mind. He is a thinker and analyzes whatever he hears and I don't want to scare him or give him the wrong idea.

Just now, he asked me, "Mom, do you believe in Jesus?"

"Yes, Sam, I believe in Jesus."

"Oh. Does that mean you get to say here?"

"No. It means I'll go to heaven when I die and it also means that Jesus took away all the sin out of my heart." I replied.
"MOM!" YOU HAVE SIN??" He was amazed.

I was amazed that he was amazed. He lives with me for goodness sakes!! He KNOWS I have sin!

"Mom" he said. "When I get big I will NEVER disobey you."
What a kid!

4 comments: said...

This is so precious! Aren't you glad to be home with your children to answer these questions. Just today I was thanking God for saving my children and praying for all my grandchildren to know & love Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes.....
He is too cute! I really enjoy watching Sam and Ben play and run around at the church. You are very blessed!


Unknown said...

Beth! You have sin?!!! Where have I been all these years?