Sunday, September 20, 2009

Baptism On the Beach

We had an impromptu baptism service on the beach today after church. One of our sweet teenagers realized this week her need of a Savior. Macy's dad helped with the baptism, as is the custom in our church.
It had been pouring only a few minutes before this. As soon as they stepped into the water, the sun shone bright!

I love this picture!
Macy and her mom.
Macy's good friend congratulating her.
It was a sweet time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sun was shining but the water was very brown from our recent flooding. I loved the photos of Macys Mom and Dad hugging her. Hope those children realize how blessed they are that their folks hug them, wish mine had been huggers. I tried to hug mine alot. still would if they would let me...Love Mom Dziadul