Sunday, June 10, 2007


Today was a hot, humid Sunday here where we live. It was in the mid-90's in the afternoon- too hot if you ask me. It's only June. What's it going to be like in August? I am not looking forward to this hot, hot summer. Bring on Fall!
We were down today in church- we had over 7 families out, and it was noticeable! We had Communion during the morning service. Communion is always moving, even with trying to keep Samuel in line. Paul sang, "Does He Still Feel the Nails" during Communion. If you have never heard this song, I encourage you to listen to it. It is very poignant and convicting.
I made two new recipes for our fellowship meal: chicken pasta spinach bake and oriental spinach salad. Not sure if I'll make them again. The chicken dish was very tasty, but it was alot of work. I'm not sure it was that great to warrant that amount of work! I did not care for the salad, but I knew that I wouldn't when I made it. I made it because I figured Paul would love it. He liked it alright, but didn't love it. Oh well. Live and learn.
Anna is not feeling well today. We've had some sort of bug going through our house this week. First Sam, then Ellie and now Anna. I hope it stops there. No throwing up, just a bad headache and achy feeling. Anna is complaining of her calf muscles hurting terribly. It's a quick bug- only lasting 24 hours.
I'm looking at a pile of "stuff" in the living room that came out of the girls room. I had this bright idea on Wednesday for the girls to remove everything from their room (except furniture) so we could deep clean it. Sounds good in theory, but in reality, not so good. I didn't expect it to take so long! Thursday, we helped a young mother in our church clean her new house. It was alot of work and so hot, that when we got home, I didn't feel like finishing. Friday, we spent the morning at the church and the afternoon cleaning the rest of the house. Saturday, Ellie was sick, so Anna and I cleaned the house and caught up on the laundry. Today was Sunday, and Anna was sick. I could have finished this room in a few hours, but I am tired of cleaning their room. They need to do it! So, tomorrow, we will finish, providing Anna feels better. They really don't have alot of stuff- what they have alot of is trash and clothes. If they could just get a handle of picking up after themselves, their room would be no problem.
Well, I suppose I ought to head to bed seeing its almost midnight. Morning comes early!
Have a good night.

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