Thursday, April 19, 2007

Homeschool Humor

I was reviewing American history with my girls the other day. We have been reading about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. We talked about the British soldiers in Boston. I asked the girls if they remembered that the colonists had to let the soldiers stay in their homes- they had no choice.

My daughter Anna said,"Yeah, mom. I remember. It was that 25 cent thing."

I looked at her and tried to think. I knew there had to be a connection somewhere. "What?" I asked her.

"The 25 cent thing. Come on, you remember." She said.

As I was furiously thinking what 25 cents had to do with with the British soldiers, my younger daughter, Ellie, piped up.

"I know mom. She means the quarter thing."

Then it hit me. She meant the quartering act!! Oh, we laughed and laughed about that. I knew there had to be a connection between the soldiers and the 25 cents, but my mind couldn't make it quick enough.

I was glad she had remembered that much!


Unknown said...

Isn't it funny the associations kids can make? But, hey, if it helps them remember, all the better.

Anonymous said...

Great way to remember history, if you ask me.


Looney Mom™ said...

See? They do learn even when we aren't sure. That's a funny association though.