Friday, April 27, 2007

Fun Filled Friday

We had a fun, full day today. It started with a visit to our friends house who live about 45 minutes south of us. We gathered there with another family, and together we went to pick strawberries. I'm ashamed to say that before last year when we made the same trip to pick strawberries, I had never eaten a fresh one much less picked one. So this year I felt like an old pro! The girls, Samuel and I got our buckets and picked red, ripe, sweet strawberries. But, I still don't like them. Too bad- they are so pretty!

We went back to our friends house where the girls swam all afternoon in the pond, Samuel played in the playroom and us ladies talked, made bread and sliced strawberries. It doesn't get much better than that.

We left there and went straight to Anna's softball game. Because half of the team wasn't there, they played a silly softball game, and it didn't have quite the same appeal as a regular game. But Anna whacked one right into centerfield, over the fielder's head! It was easily the farthest hit ball of the game.

I was ready to come home, shower, and go to bed, but first, Paul, Samuel and I delivered homemade pea soup to some older ladies in the church. They were so glad to see us and talked our ears off! They enjoyed Sam and his antics.

Then tonight, late tonight, Paul Jr., Zack, and I went to the movies. They had told me they wanted to go and asked me to go and they were delighted when I said yes. But then, I was so tired all I wanted to do was get in bed. I tried to tell the boys to just go on without me, but I was met with groans of disappointment. They were disappointed I was not going to go! Of course, then I had to go- I mean, what mother doesn't want her teenage boys to want her along?? I was so flattered by that that the tiredness I feel does not measure the joy I feel. The boys sat on either side of me and I whispered a silent prayer of gratitude to God. Sure, I'm far from perfect. I mess up daily, even hourly. I'm selfish at times. I've not been the best homeschooling teacher. And on and on. But my boys wanted my company. And that makes it all ok, at least for tonight.

My sweet boys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go Anna! It's so sweet that your boys wanted you at the movie with them. What an awesome feeling.