Saturday, November 14, 2009


One night, I was in the dining room, and I happened to glance into the kitchen and almost let out a scream. (No, I didn't see a mouse!) I saw a big head at the kitchen window and it scared me until I realized it was our dog, Sheba. Sheba is a big baby. She's not quite a year old and has a huge head and body and has figured out how to jump up on the bench and look in the window. Well, it didn't take my kids long to figure out they could open the window and have company when they do dishes. This is now Sheba's spot. She stands there until someone opens the window and then she sticks her head in, always looking for a bit of food. She will bark at times and will scare whoever does not realize she is there.

1 comment: said...

This is so funny! Sheba's brother, Hunter likes to look into our bedroom windows!!! What is with that?! We have never had a dog do that!