Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Samuel's Birth Story

My pregnancy with Sam was easy and uncomplicated until week 29. I went in for a regular visit and my blood pressure was very high. The doc sent me to the hospital for observation, did some tests and then put me on bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy. The bedrest helped keep my blood pressure down, but it did begin creeping back up. I went in for a visit when I was 38 1/2 weeks, and when the nurse got done taking the b/p, she said, "I think you're going to have this baby very soon". My b/p was 160/110. As soon as the doc saw that, he sent me right to hospital to be induced.

I spent the night of April 7th in the hospital, while they started to induce me. It was evident by the morning of April 8th, that it wasn't working. I told the doc let's just have a c-section. It was not my first choice, but I had been through all this before, and I knew if my body was not ready, then I would spend hours on the pitocin just to end up with the c-section. The doc thought my decision was a good one, so we went ahead with it.

Sam was born at 12:23pm. I cried when I heard his first cries. He came along after a miscarriage, and was doubly sweet because of it. Samuel was a great baby, sleeping through the night at 2 months (once he found his thumb!). He has always been a joy to our entire family and still is to this day.

Paul and I were certain that we were done having children after Ellie. 4 was alot, and we thought we had all we could handle. Then I got pregnant with the baby we eventually lost, and our views on children changed drastically and we longed for another baby. God blessed us with Sam. We would have missed this wonderful little boy if God had let us have our way. I'm so glad He didn't!

Sam at birth

1 year old

2 years old

3 years old


Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday to one cool Big Boy!!!! Give him a kiss and hug from his Aunt Rebecca!!!

Anonymous said...

I do so well remember how quickly I fell in love with Sam that day in the hospital corridor. How dear he has been to us and how wonderful to be so close to a grandchild while they are a baby. We are sold on this little man and he can do no wrong in our eyes. Nana and Papa (We look forward to the days ahead with Baby Ben.)