Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I was "blog surfing" last night. You know how it goes- you read one blog, and it leads to another and another. The first one I clicked on was for a baby who had trisomy 18- a fatal disease. This little sweet baby lived only 5 days and to read of this family's journey was heartbreaking.

That blog led me to another blog about a baby boy named Joshua. I'm not certain what his medical condition was, only that he had a hole in his head and his brain tissue was growing out of it. I looked at the pictures several times, not believing what I was seeing. I felt so bad for him and for his mom. He eventually died also.

There's another blog I've been reading for a while. This mom found out she was expecting identical twin boys and was so excited about it. She lost them both at 19 weeks. She was, and is, understandably devastated.

I've been having sort of a pity party lately. I'm tired, and I'm tired of being tired. I've been feeling sorry for myself because I haven't had a decent night's sleep in over two months. You know what? Those mothers would give up every minute of sleep to have their babies back. It's amazing that what looks so important to us changes when we change our perspective. Yes, I'd like to sleep the night through, but really, compared to the struggles others go through, what's a little tiredness?

I'll have to remind myself of my new perspective at 3 am :).

(And yes, I have actually posted something without pictures)


Rebecca said...

Hard reading!! Sounds like you have a touch of the baby blues.

Rebecca said...

But I know what you mean. I've been reading a blog from a woman who lost her husband 3 months ago. Comparatively, my problems are so small and so petty!!