Sunday, January 27, 2013

A day at CC

 This was the first school day I was able to bring my camera and snap some pictures of my class.  I would have liked to taken many more, but the in the mornings, I am so busy that there is literally no time to snap any.  This little boy is in my class and has such a southern drawl that at times, I can't understand what he is saying.

 This is part of my class preparing to do a science experiement.

 Benjamin working on his art project.  We study a great artist each week and do a project to emulate the unique way the artist created.

 Paul leading the Challenge students in morning worship.  (7th, 8th and 9th grades)
 Ellie receiving her award for first place in the science fair.  She worked so hard on her project and did a great job.
 My board at the beginning of class.  Looks like alot to cover, huh?  Well, we cover all this material in 30 minutes and we go over each item around 7 times in that half hour.  Most Mondays I don't breathe during this segment! It is fast paced and I try to use different methods to keep the kids interested.
 The mats are where the kids sit.  This helps with learning "personal" space.
 Back to the science experiment.  We were making fossils.

 Ben and his friend watching the other tutor demonstrate the experiement.

Classical Conversations is a great opportunity for our entire family.  It has revolutionized our homeschool and I'm excited about what my kids (and Paul and I) are learning.

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