We just got home a little while ago from our family camp. Our church sponsored a weekend camp for families of all shapes and sizes. We began Friday evening and ended this morning and had a blast all weekend!

Even Benjamin enjoyed himself!

Paul and his team of leaders did a great job of organizing and putting on this camp for well over 200 people. It went off without a hitch!

Sam ran and played until he dropped into his bed at night. He was so tired out that he took a nap after breakfast each day!

Our speakers were Nancy Campbell and her husband Colin from Above Rubies ministries and they were wonderful! This is the third time I've heard Nancy speak and she's always right on target.

Part of the camp.

Ellie leaving with a noisy Benjamin.

Worship time.

That onery face says it all.

It was a blessed weekend.
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I agree it was a blast! Hard to believe that it is over.
We are old folks and the kiddie kids are losing hair, aging and raising their own but we were really blessed at family camp. Thanks Paul, Glenn, and all CWW for putting this on. Esp thanks to GOD for showing up and Bro Colins talk on Sat night was right on target... Love Mom and Dad Dziadul
I've read that "Above Rubies" magazine, but never heard them speak. Glad it was enjoyable! You're never too old for camp! I'd love to go!
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