Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Conversation with Sam

Today, Sam went with me while I ran to the grocery store. It was just him and I and as usual, he jabbered and talked the entire time. I was only half listening to him until something he said made me listen alot closer.

"I talked to God today" he said.

"Oh really" I said, trying to play it cool. "And what did you say?"

"Oh, God said he wasn't going to put me in heaven" he replied, non-chalantly.

He has had alot of questions since he found out my Grandfather died. He was a little concerned about dying.

"God said heaven isn't for little boys and He's not going to put me in heaven."

I knew he really didn't understand the concept of heaven and dying, so I didn't make a big deal of it. I asked him about Jesus.

"Jesus died on the cross and when I was at Poppy's house I saw it on tv and they put nails in his hands and feets but Jesus didn't stay dead because He was rosen."

You're getting it Sam, you're getting it.


Anonymous said...

From the mouths of children. How I love that child. Mom Dziadul

Angie said...

... and after hearing of his adventure at the lake this conversation has a whole new perspective... GOD IS GOOD!!!