Anna is doing a different kind of school also this year. She is doing a unit study called "Far Above Rubies". It is an amazing plan that has her learning many different things throughout the year. I am excited for her (and a bit tempted to do some of it along with her!)
Sam is loving first grade. He is reading so well and loves having a real math book this year. Right now we are learning about spiders. He retains just about everything he hears and loves to correct me when I say something wrong. (Reminds me so much of his older brother Paul!)
Benjamin is doing preschool with Anna. He loves it and she is doing a great job with him.
Emma wants to be included in everything! It is proving difficult to keep her entertained while schooling the other children, but I've no doubt we'll figure it out. In my opinion, this is the hardest age to entertain during schooltime. She spends some time in the playpen and some time on the blanket, but other than that, someone has to be watching her and playing with her.
I'm looking forward to this school year and seeing how much we all learn!
This is our fifteenth year of homeschooling- only by the Grace of God!