Saturday, October 18, 2008

Madison, Georgia

Friday we spent most of the day in Madison, Georgia, a small town about an hour from where we live. We, along with another family in our church, have been studying the Civil War and we decided to take a field trip to Madison. Madison is one of the only towns that was not burned on Sherman's march to the Sea in 1864. It has houses and churches that were around before the Civil War and Madison has a very interesting history. The kids were so excited to be taking a field trip with their friends and I was looking forward to it also.

It rained all day long. All. Day. Long. Most of what we were going to do in was take a walking tour. We started off in good faith, with gray skies looming. We walked by the first old home and the rain started. We thought maybe we'd wait it out under a tree, but soon realized that this is the kind of rain that lasts for hours. Fortunately, there was a museum only a little ways down from where we were. It wasn't on our list of things to do, but we decided to take the tour. It was very interesting. The museum was housed in an old school building, which in and of itself was beautiful. I think the kids favorite part was the stage in the auditorium where they put on many interesting performances for their mothers.Poor Benjamin got wet also and his little feet got so cold. But he was a trooper!Playing with an old printing pressHe wanted his picture taken by this rifle.
Look at how wet Ellie's pants got! Singing their hearts out! (Not really- just being silly!)

After the museum, we walked back to town, becoming soaked once again. Everyone was wet and hungry; problem was, we brought our lunches, hoping for a picnic in one of the beautiful parks in this town. We searched and searched for a pavilion, but no luck. We ended up eating lunch in our cars. We couldn't even all eat in one car because there was too many of us. After lunch, we drove back to our friends' house.

Even though it didn't go as planned, we all had fun. Once we got back to their home, the kids went right back out and played in the rain as if they hadn't got wet enough!


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth! What a fun trip you guys had! I think sometimes the trips that don't work out perfectly are very fun anyway. :) Thanks for sharing the pictures.


Anonymous said...

I got cold just hearing about that trip and seeing the pictures makes me want to get a sweater on and crawl back into bed. Nana