Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Works for me Wednesday

My family has, in the last 2-3 years, developed an aversion to keeping socks. I can buy new packs of socks and in 2 weeks, they are no where to be found. With 7 of us in the house, it can get quite expensive, not to mention wasteful.

I think I have come up with a system for us. I say I think because we've only been using for about 1 1/2 weeks, but so far, no lost socks. It is alot more work on my part, at least intially, until I train my children to be more diligent with their socks.

It's very simple. I've probably stolen this idea from somewhere, or more likely, I've taken things I've heard here and there and meshed them into something that will work for us.

I started with new socks. (there wasn't many of the old ones around!). I bought two small baskets and put them in my room. The clean socks go in one basket, the dirty socks in the other. Yes, I keep all the socks in my room. Hopefully, this won't last long, but it was the only way I could keep control. When the children take their socks off at night, they bring them into my room, safety pin them together and put them in the dirty basket. Then, and only then, are they able to take a pair of clean socks for the next day. When the dirty basket gets somewhat full, I toss the whole thing in the washer. Because they are pinned, there is no matching and no single socks get lost. I simply toss all the clean socks back in the clean basket. When the children get another pair, they unpin them and put the pin on my dresser.

Like I said, its a fairly new system for us, and much more work for me. But, we haven't lost a sock yet!

Read more great ideas at

1 comment:

Mom2fur said...

We have a 'sock basket,' too! I only do it for the clean ones...but I should try to get a little basket for dirty socks and have people throw them in there. We are 7 here, too. I could do an entire load of laundry with just socks!