Monday, October 9, 2017

September 14

Paul and I finally got into bed around 3.  My mind was so wound up and I had developed quite a headache.  I wondered if I would sleep at all, but I drifted off around 3:30 or so, only to be up by 7.  We both got up and went and sat in the living room with Paul's mom.  It was surreal to remember what had happened the night before.  Thankfully, the kids all slept in with the exception of Sam.  He woke up quite early also.  We both also had so many messages and texts to respond to.

Within 2 hours of us waking up, people were literally at the door.  People from church, good friends and people we didn't even know.  We were given so many gift cards and money.  Friends of mine from CC were collecting school books, and another group was collecting clothes for the kids.  I felt like I was in a fog.  One of the sweet lady's from church offered to come and get Jack and Emma.  I thought this would be great for them, to get them away from the trauma of the night before.  When she arrived, they were so eager to go with her.  When I handed her Jack's bag, I told her, "This is all I have for him".  It was a stark reminder of the great loss we had suffered.

Ellie and I went out and did some clothes shopping.  We had nothing.  We ran around for a few hours then met up with Paul for a late lunch.  I'm pretty sure we were all still in shock over the events of the night before.  All day long both of us received several texts and messages, and gifts.  It was amazing how quickly people came together to help us.

Our biggest concern was a place to live.  We were told it would probably be six to nine months before we would be able to return to our home.  That's a long time and we needed a place big enough, hopefully in our neighborhood.  Paul had thought of just the place the night before, and before he even woke up, he had a text offering us a place to stay for as long as we needed it.  It was a God send.  Literally.  We were very thankful.

We had supper at the church that night, prepared by a couple of ladies.  While we were there, some of my school friends dropped by with big tubs of clothes for each child and crates of school books and supplies.  There were even some toys.  I was so thankful.  What a blessing.

Jack and Emma spent the night at the Bearchell's and Sam and Ben spent the night at Dillon and Jimmy's, so it was just Paul, Ellie and I for the first night in the new place.  Paul was at men's night at his friends house, so Ellie and Paul  Jr. ran to Walmart, bought a dvd player and some movies so we could watch a movie.  Paul got home and within five minutes of the movie starting, we both knew we were exhausted and just needed to go to bed.  So we did.

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