Thursday, October 31, 2013

Emma and Ben

A few days ago Emma and I were shopping at Wal-Mart.  They were handing out samples of ice cream bars.  (Just a sidenote- they were AMAZING!)  Anyway, Emma got the chocolate and I got the white chocolate.

Emma; "Mom.  I got chocolate.  What do you got?"

Me: "I have the white Emma."

Emma: "Mom.  Say banilla.  Say I have banilla."

I stand corrected.


I bought the kids some accessories for their Halloween costumes at the dollar store this morning.  As I was taking them out of the packaging I said "Now, you have to be very careful with these because they are not well made and will break easily."

Ben replied, "Oh.  You mean they're fragile?"

Again, I stand corrected. :)

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