Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cell Phone pics from October

 Ben lost his first tooth!
 Bath time
 First time in the Bumbo

 Another thumb sucker.  He sucks his thumb exactly like Sam did.  I don't mind because it helps him soothe himself to sleep. 
 Doing "school".  She cuts and colors and glues for an hour and usually has nothing to show for it.
 Handsome best friends.
 Big, blue eyes.

 Sleeping in class again.

Dad was on bath duty this night.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Halloween 2014

 A few days before Halloween, the library had a special Halloween storytime.  Emma was so excited to dress up like a cowgirl.
 Even the chick fil a cow was there.

 She does love storytime.
 Dad and Ellie helped the kids carve their pumpkins.
 They each had very specific ideas of what they wanted.

 A knight, a cowgirl, a ninja and a batman baby.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Jackson is 3 months old!

 Jackson turned three months old on October 29.
 He really wasn't "in" to having his picture taken.
 And did not smile the entire time.
 I like this picture.  It shows his dark, dark eyes.

 He didn't care for this pose at all.
 It was much better when Dad picked him up and held him.

Sweet baby.  He's doing better as far as eating, but he still has challenging days.  He still spits up alot and fights about every other bottle.  But he sleeps 7 or 8 hours a night and is steadily gaining weight.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The real Pumpkin Patch

 Homecoming Sunday.  Aunt Faith had bought these new clothes for Sam, Ben, and Emma.
 They looked so nice.

 Ellie and I took the kids to Elliott farms to the pumpkin patch.
 They had an amazing field of zinnias and an amazing patch of pumpkins.

 Even Jackson got in on the fun.  Honestly, he could have cared less. :)

 It was very bright that day.

We had such a nice time.