Monday, December 14, 2009

Random Thoughts

  • I've been very sick from morning sickness.
  • Why do they call it morning sickness if it lasts all day long?
  • The weather here has been crazy. Cold, then warm, then muggy then rainy/foggy.
  • We leave in one week. I'm not ready.
  • I swear our laundry is multiplying over night.
  • We met in our new space yesterday at church. It looked so nice and was very comfortable.
  • But, it was weird. It will take some time to "feel" like church.
  • We haven't taken our Christmas picture yet. This may be the first time in years that we don't take one. It's either been rainy, or I've been sick.
  • I go to the doctor for the first time on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it. This is a new doctor since the doc that delivered Ben and Sam is not delivering babies anymore.
  • Benjamin has undecorated a big spot on the front of the Christmas Tree. Our tree looks like it has a bald spot.
  • Our kids are hoping and praying for snow in Kansas. They've already had some, so it is a possibility.
  • We're going (well, they're going) snow tubing, so they will see snow. I would like to see it falling myself. It's so pretty.
  • Goodnight.
  • (I think I'm caught up on everything! 5 posts today!)

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